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See: For Product
Workers trade labor *early*, and usually on a strict schedule.
Land ownership vests to those who complete work contracts.
and never need to trade oranges with apples, since the co-owner of sources is the owner of that % of product even *before* it is produced. This is "Predictive Barter" - where sources and skills are used to preallocate products to those who will consume them.
Work is auctioned with payout increasing as the crowdfund end date approaches. So more difficult or less fun jobs receive higher pay.
Each group must insure each worker is qualified
Land vests as work contracts are completed.
Trading work early in time, before production begins, allows us to specialize without passing tokens while also solving the “simultaneous coincidence of wants” problem that faces typical barter.
This creates a real and direct insurance for each good and service produced in this way and inverts the usual incentives of scarcity and destruction toward the natural goals of abundance and permanent solutions.
This contrasts with the regular market where mechanics, plumbers and dentists need customers with broken cars, pipes, teeth to insure tokens continue to flow.
When workers commit early to apply any work needed in the future, they hope you never have any trouble at all, since they have received your commitments either way.
Work is returned to it’s natural position as a problem to minimize instead of being a confused as goal itself.
Automation and robots can be used to safely reduce work in this scenario because each group only wants the results.
A guild system could train and test workers and protect owners by insuring quality levels and spreading fulfillment risks across many workers.
A functional Earth Change system will require enough "Horizontal Diversity" to allow us to 'pay' each other without needing to pass tokens. For example, after we build a dentist office and buy the tools for simple dental procedures, we must attract or train some people that can operate those tools, and who are willing to commit to do that work for the 'pay' of gaining co-ownership in the property for housing, food, clothing, transportation, sanitation, etc. combined with commitments of others to operate that property for his benefit in return for his fixing their teeth. Notice this fully replaces traditional insurance.
Vertical Integration increases local sovereignty by reducing the need to gather and spend external tokens. For example, we might buy feed for our chickens and cattle at first, but will also grow those plants to avoid the need to buy in the future. We won't co-own mines or factories right away, so will just buy off-the-shelf tools while we are 'booting'.
Each owner of Sources is owner of those Future Products in that same ratio.
For example, if you own 3% of the hives, you own 3% of the future honey.
Each Product instance has a window-of-validity enforced by constraints on production and on the lifetime of that product.
For example, a young tree does not produce fruit immediately, and the fruit is not fresh forever.
Property may not fully vest to workers if quality or quantity projections are not met. Projections must be adjusted for reasons outside the worker’s control such as such as severe weather, fire, earthquake, accidents, etc.
=== Sources
Each owner must pay initial and recurring costs of production in one of these ways:
. Supply Sources or Promises for your portion of the costs of production for this group.
. Supply Sources or Promises for your portion of the costs of production through another group which has a trade agreement with this group, and recursively, to any depth.
. Sell (or allow to be sold) enough of your Product to cover the costs of production.
. Secede from the group and retain your portion of the sources under your own terms (within the limits of realistic divisibility).
A variety of city design templates following permaculture principles could help guide core decisions around borders, roads, shared structures, etc.
For the health and safety of all citizens, every citizen on site must receive at least enough tokens to ensure Tier0 quality of life.
== Startup
Estimate the quantity and quality food, housing, sanitation, clothing, basic health-care, child care, transportation, etc. needed to support on-site workers.
Estimate the Sources and Skills needed for that production and issue eCts representing those Sources.
Sell Future Products and eCts for traditional money.
The Sources include land, water, tools, organisms, lumber, wire, pipe, etc. required to create and operate the Earth Change city.
The rest must be 'bootup' goods such as tents, bulk-food, used clothing, first-aid kits, etc. needed to support workers until the agriculture is productive and before the permanent shelters are complete.
We may also need to secure commitments of some critical services that we cannot yet supply on-site such as advanced dental work, extended health care, long-distance travel, etc.
Some pre-pay with traditional money buy the land and tools while others pre-pay by commiting to complete the needed work.
After some amount of time, or some series of events [these conditions are currently unknown] each Source Title should vest more fully to the holder, allowing the to sell or negotiate with other co-owners to rezone, and other complexities.
At some point, and under certain constraints, and mostly to resolve disputes, subgroups must finally be allowed to secede (fork/split) from the group while retaining Property ownership.
Those investing Skills become real co-owners and so receive the Product itself as a natural return on those investments. Each co-owner of Sources is co-owner of those Products in that same amount.
That leaves profit to be treated as the payer's investment in Sources which become the real property of that consumer, causing them to incrementally gain the Sources ownership required to finally stop buying that product late, but instead pay the costs early and then own the Product as a natural side-effect of owning the Sources.
This auto-distributes ownership to those who pay for growth.
Profit can be seen as misallocated property 'reflected' back to the buyer as Source ownership. This must not be replaced by extra product lowered price, for such do not distribute Source ownership, and so fail to create the negative-feedback loop required to help consumers build sovereignty through property ownership in the physical Sources of production.
We use property ownership in the INPUTS to "pre-distribute" the OUTPUTS to those who predicted they would need them.
The usual transaction of consumer purchase is eliminated for those owners, for that product. The price each pays as a consumer is exactly the costs each paid as a co-owner and profit is undefined since the final sale does not occur - it has been imputed.
Each source owner is a product owner in that same amount.
Owners may sell surplus, and profit should be collected to inhibit middle-men, but some percentage of profit must be treated as that payer's investment to insure consumers gain the sources required to also escape usury.
To increase utilization of surplus, owners may choose to design Product Tickets to automatically enter auction as expiration draws near.
Each owner must periodically cross-commit the inputs required for the ongoing costs of production for all of the outputs they expect, else lose some of that ownership to compensate other co-owners for those costs.
For example, each co-owner of a dentist office must cross-commit Sources or Skills needed to keep the office operational.
This usually just means you will commit to work somewhere in the system to buy the products you need, with the DAO resolving all the details about the sources and skills required for that production.
Products that are not yet produced on-site must be purchased from external vendors while we also try to buy the sources of those products to vertically integrate and move closer toward productive sovereignty.
For example, we might buy feed for cattle and chickens at first,
but would also start growing those plants to localize that production.
The initial boot-up phase may require workers live in tents as they build the first permanent structures and prepare cafeteria meals from bulk purchases until the agriculture is productive enough.
We can eventually grow all the inputs required for food, soap, cloth, medicine, and building materials on site, but this could take years for some products so initially must buy off-the-shelf solutions for sanitation, shelter, food, clothing, first-aid, etc.
== Potential Partners:
OneCommunityGlobal.org >>FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL
Geoff Lawton of GeoffLawtonOnline.com
Marcin Jakubowski of OpenSourceEcology.org
Rob Hopkins of Transition-Lab.org
Richard Stallman of Stallman.org
ManyVer.se >>A social network off the grid
== Private Cities
BlockChains.com [ Bitcoinist.com/millionaire-will-build-blockchain-smart-city-in-nevada ]
==BUIDL with Solidity (write smart contracts)
==Deploy (migrate) to blockchain
==DAO (D* Autonomous Org)
github.com/UrsZeidler/uml2solidity >>A uml profile and a set of acceleo code generators to model smart contracts in uml and generate solidity code.
github.com/raineorshine/solgraph >>Generates a DOT graph that visualizes function control flow of a Solidity contract and highlights potential security vulnerabilities.
==Theory and mechanics
github.com/aragon/nest/issues/48 $50k up to $100k for "Aragon Nest proposal: DAOs and the interaction with the physical world"
Parts of the system:
Employment portal for workers to learn, test and qualify for jobs and eventually sign Work Bonds.
Housing portal to find a place to live on-site.
Customer portal for those buying future and surplus products.
Optional: Investment portal for traditional investors seeking profit.
Donation portal for those who just want us to succeed.
Education portal to read and write video, audio, images, text, etc.
ESTs sold at $1/ft² supply $43,650/acre to buy the land, tools and work (workers are paid with ESTs, never directly with $).
Instead of representation, governance is direct control through commitments of property or promises toward public works (parallel, semi-continuous crowdfunding campaigns).
==See also
Facebook.com/Earth.Change.Page # scheduled for deletion
Product-Futures-Foundation.github.io/earthchange.htm (this site)
Tier 0: (bootup) User is attempting to onboard onto shared property and may even live in a tent.
Tier 1: (startup) User has signed one or more work-to-own contracts and has moved onto his plot.
Tier 2: (running) User owns enough land to wash, eat and sleep without paying rent, profit or interest.
=== Phase 0 [META]:
📏📐 💥 🗄 Create secure ledgers (paper or blockchain) to record information.
🚿🥗🛏 ⇉ 🗄 Record essential Goods and Services which can be produced locally.
🏞🛠👷 ⇉ 🗄 Record the Land, Tools and Work required for that production.
🗄 : 🚿🥗🛏 Offer these future Goods and Services for sale before they are created.
=== Phase 1 [BOOT]:
🗳[💰] ↔ 🚿🥗🛏 Users may vote-with-money to buy future Goods and Services.
🗳[📃✍👷] ↔ 🚿🥗🛏 & 🏞🛠 Users may vote-with-future-work to also gain the Land and Tools required for that production.
🗄 : 💰 ↔ 🏞🛠 The DAO uses the money to buy Land and Tools.
📃✅: 🏞🛠 ⇉ 👷 Ownership of land and tools vest as work is completed.
🏞 + 🛠 + 👷 ⇉ 🚿🥗🛏 ⇉ 👷 We will own sources and swap skills to automatically own those future Goods and Services.
📃✍👷 ↔ 📃✍👷 Workers implicitly trade with other workers when they buy future products.
=== Phase 2 : 🧭🧮
Choose plants and birds and fish suitable for that area.
=== Phase 3: 🏘🏡 OneCommunityGlobal.org
Drawup templates for layout of shared properties.
Vet construction plans for shelters and structures with local building codes using natural building techniques..
=== Phase 4: 🏭🛠🤖 Marcin Jakubowski of OpenSourceEcology.org
Build tools which make tools to achieve modern comfort with far less ecologic and economic costs.
=== Alignment:
EcoVillage.org >>Catalyzing Communities for a Regenerative World
DarkMatterLabs.org >>At Dark Matter Laboratories we design institutional infrastructure for a distributed and collaborative future.
CollaborationIncubator.net >>The Collaboration Incubator supports deep collaboration between representatives of different progressive movements and ideas.
CollectiveOne.org >>CollectiveOne is a method (and a platform) to develop open, decentralized and collaborative initiatives: initiatives to which anyone can, potentially, contribute, and which are collectively owned and self-governed by their contributors.
Common-Planet.org >>